Identity and Access Management User's Guide

Request GPS Application Access

Gaining access to the Enterprise Portal is only half of being able to function at your job. You must also Request and be granted Access to an Application. This page provides instruction and reference guidance to Requesting Application Access to the GPS Application.

By selecting the Play Demo button at the left you can view an anotated demonstration of the process.

Screenshot of Enterprise Portal Home Page

Figure 1. Enterprise Portal Home Page.

1. Open a browser and navigate to the Enterprise Portal.

2. On the Enterprise Portal Home Page select the Request Application Access link as shown in the circle at left.

Screenshot of Request Application Access Page

Figure 2. Request Application Access Page.

3. Expand the Application list box as shown in the circle at left.

Note: Currently Authorized Accounts will be listed in the center of window. If any of those accounts are in a Suspended state, it will be shown in parenthesis after the name of the account.

Screenshot of Select Application listbox

Figure 3. Select Application List Box.

4. Select the GPS Account item as shown in the circle at left.

Screenshot of Request Application Access Page

Figure 4. Request Application Access Page.

5. Select the Next button as shown in the circle at left.

Scrrenshot of Request Confirmation page

Figure 5. Request Confirmation Page.

6. Select the No button as shown in the circle at left.

Screenshot of Enterprise Portal Home Page

Figure 6. Enterprise Portal Home Page.

7. The Enterprise Portal Home Page re-appears indicating the process is complete. As the Request moves through the workflow you will receive automated status messages of its location. When final disposition has been made you will recieve and automated Email informing you of the disposition,

Now that you have seen a demonstration of the process and stepped through the pages one at a time, it's time for you to gain some proficiency with the process. Selecting the Play Exercise button at left provides you with an exercise of the process, which you can repeat as needed. Be sure to note any information given that you will need to complete the exercise.

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